2019-07 release notes

Release date Date version is no longer supported
July 1, 2019 July 1, 2020

The 2019-07 release focuses on improving performance by removing page-based pagination and introducing a more efficient way to paginate through resources using cursor-based pagination. Cursor-based pagination has been implemented across various endpoints, and more are expected to support cursor-paged pagination in upcoming versions.

The GraphQL Admin API is growing in 2019-07. Among some of the GraphQL API changes is the introduction of delivery profiles, which now gives developers the ability to set per-product and per-location shipping rules. Support for billing and automatic discounting is also now available in GraphQL. Metafields can now be accessed and published to the Storefront API in 2019-07.

What’s new in 2019-07

  • Storefront API was added to our admin versioning scheme
  • Page-based pagination has been replaced by cursor-based pagination across multiple REST endpoints
  • Delivery profiles was added to allow you to set per-product and per-location shipping rules
  • Added GraphQL support for billing
  • Improved sorting of metafields
  • Improved interoperability for consuming webhook data with the addition GraphQL Admin API IDs
  • Metafields were made available through Storefront API
  • New discount types added in GraphQL

Below are all the changes introduced to the REST Admin API, the GraphQL Admin API, and the Storefront API in 2019-07.