2020-10 release notes

Release date Date version is no longer supported
October 1, 2020 October 1, 2021

The 2020-10 release contains many changes to improve the experience of the Shopify API. This release includes the addition of checksums to the assets API, improvements to order editing, support for bulk operations when managing discounts, the addition of shipping lines and delivery methods to orders and fulfillment orders, and improvements to product management and filtering.

This release also includes an entirely new API that allows apps to read and manage shop Legal Policies.

What’s new in 2020-10

The following features were added in version 2020-10 of Shopify's APIs:

  • The Asset resource now includes a checksum property. This property dramatically improves the performance of Theme Kit.
  • Apps can now edit orders that they created. To determine if your app can edit an order on Shopify, you can query the merchantEditable field on the Order object.
  • Apps can now add discounts to line items while editing orders.
  • The Discounts API has received several upgrades in this version. It's now possible to retrieve usage counts for automatic discounts and perform bulk mutations to enable, disable, or delete large numbers of discounts codes with a single request.
  • The Order object now includes shippingLines, a list of line items that contains the shipping costs.
  • Fulfillment Orders now include a DeliveryMethodType, which specifies how an order was delivered. Possible values include LOCAL, NONE, PICK_UP, RETAIL, or SHIPPING.
  • Delivery profiles now have support for profiles/create, profiles/update, and profiles/delete webhook topics.
  • The Product resource now supports a variety of statuses to manage and filter products: draft, active, and archived.
  • Apps can now read and write policies that merchants have configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policies.