2021-04 release notes

Release date Date version is no longer supported
April 1, 2021 April 1, 2022

The 2021-04 release contains support for building custom price cards for individual product variants, managing gift cards, and creating discount codes in bulk using the GraphQL Admin API.

This release also includes support for duties in the Storefront API and the ability to retrieve information about discounts applied to a checkout using the REST Admin API.

What’s new in 2021-04

The following features were added in version 2021-04 of Shopify's APIs:

  • Using the Price List API, you can now change the prices of products based on specific context rules about the customer's location. If a price list exists for the product and geography the customer is ordering from, then the storefront will charge a different price based on those rules.
  • Using the GiftCard API, you can now create, retrieve, update, and disable gift cards for a store.
  • When managing discounts, it's now possible to add redeemable discount codes in bulk rather than make individual queries to update discount codes associated with a given price rule.
  • Shopify now returns information about duties through the Storefront API. You can query the total duties applied to line items in the checkout and the total current and original duties applied to an order.
  • Using the Checkout resource, you can now retrieve information about how a discount was applied to a checkout.